Newsletter May 2024
Welcome to our May 2024 newsletter!

Introducing ESLA Deputy Chair: Fofi Constantinidou
Fofi specialises in neurorehabilitation research and treatment of adults with acquired language and cognitive disorders due to acquired brain injury (e.g., TBI, stroke), neurodegenerative conditions, and ageing. Her research team investigates brain-behaviour mechanisms in healthy and clinical populations as well as the neurophysiological underpinnings of common brain conditions affecting communication and cognitive functions. Together, they explore evidenced-base and theory based treatment modalities, with the ultimate objective to improve the functioning, health and quality of life of the people they serve.
Fofi has been an ESLA/CPLOL delegate from 2013 to 2019 and member of the Interprofessional Committee of the Education Commission. Since 2019 she has been serving the organisation as Deputy Chair.
In her national association, CARSLP (Association of Registered SLPs in Cyprus) she has taken up several positions: She was Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee from 2007 to 2013 and from 2016 to 2019; as well as Chair of the Association from 2019 to date. She served further as the Vice Chair of the Registration Board (appointed by the Council of Ministers) from 2010 to 2014 and was also involved in the Regulatory Board (appointed by the Council of Ministers) from 2008 to 2014 and from 2017 to 2020.
Fofi’s personal motto is “Carpe Diem: Work hard, play hard, inspire, be inspired!”

Making waves
Today, we want to showcase the work of our colleague Iva Alexandrova who - together with Petar Petrov (an IT specialist) - established the website in 2010. A platform that aims to be a space for supervised scientific information addressing both professionals and parents. The platform organises a series of webinars with leading specialists from different fields. These webinars are free and openly accessible to the public.
In 2017 initiated the “Good-hearted Speech Language Therapist” campaign, which provides children and adults throughout Bulgaria with access to free consultations by SLTs. 2023 marked the five-year anniversary of the campaign in which nearly 120 SLTs from 35 cities in Bulgaria provided pro bono consultations for over 500 families. Last year’s initiative was further supported by two university centres (Department of Speech and Language Therapy at Kliment Ohridski University, Sofia and South-West University Neofit Rilski). The campaign spans throughout the entire month of March and is dedicated to the European SLT Day. The campaign is becoming more and more popular every year and has already been covered by both local and national media channels. also aims to support SLTs in Bulgaria, focusing on increasing their qualifications and aiming to provide evidence-based therapy. Another important part of’s work is to uplift the recognition of SLTs in Bulgaria and to increase awareness among the general public on the role of SLTs in the assessment and treatment of a variety of disorders in people of all ages. For that purpose, organised their first Annual Speech-Language Therapist Awards for which individuals and organisations from all of Bulgaria could be nominated for different categories by the families they are working with. At the end of the campaign, the winners received an award in a public ceremony in Sofia. Practitioners from all around Bulgaria participated in the event to celebrate and congratulate their colleagues.
For this year, Iva and the team have more big plans: They will be organising an interdisciplinary conference.
The next step forward is organising an interdisciplinary conference “Practical Speech Therapy”, where leaders in science and practitioners from different fields can meet and exchange knowledge.
ESLA is excited to hear and promote such initiatives from our members! Do you feel inspired? Let us know if you are involved in or know of similar projects. We cannot wait to hear from you!

ESLA's Impactful Presence in the European Parliament
This March, ESLA made waves with its presence in the European Parliament. Our commitment to advancing the field of speech and language therapy was highlighted during our General Assembly, held right within the esteemed premises of the Parliament.
Our engagement didn't stop there. We further organised a seminar to commemorate Speech and Language Therapy Day on March 6th focussing on the theme of "Collaborating with other Professionals and Caregivers." This seminar served as a platform to delve into critical discussions surrounding the challenges, advancements, and future prospects of Speech and Language Therapy in Europe. Moreover, it provided a platform for sharing knowledge, discussing best practices, and enhancing collaboration among SLTs and other healthcare professionals.
The convergence of ESLA's General Assembly and the SLT Day seminar within the European Parliament underscored our strong dedication to advocating for the recognition and advancement of Speech and Language Therapy on an international scale. Through these events, ESLA continues to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and advocacy initiatives, propelling the field forward for the betterment of individuals with communication and swallowing disorders across Europe.
Stay tuned for more updates on ESLA's endeavours. On that note, do not forget that on June 27th at 18.00 CEST, ESLA will be hosting its next online webinar on the topic of “Early Intervention for Deaf Children - Prevention of Language Deprivation” by Prof. Rosalind Hermann, PhD, MRCSLT FHEA. Visit our website ( and follow us on social media (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) for more information and the registration link.