About Us

CountryAssociation nameCodeContact email
AUSTRIABerufsverband logopädieaustriaLAoffice@logopaedieaustria.at
BELGIUM UPLFUnion Professionnelle des Logopedes Francophones UPLFuplfcontact@uplf.be
BELGIUM VVLVlaamseVereniging vor Logopedisten VVLronnyboey@bestuur.vvl.be
BULGARIA BNALBulgarian National Association of LogopedistsBNALlogo_c@abv.bg
BULGARIA UPPLSTUnion of Private Practice SLT in BulgariaUPPSLTcontact@uppslt.bg
CROATIACroatian Logopedics Association CLAinfo@hld.hr
CYPRUSCyprus Association of Registered Speech-Language Pathologists CARSLPinfo@speechtherapy.org.cy
DENMARKAudiologopædisk foreningALFformand@alf.dk
ESTONIAEstonian Logopedists UnionELUeestseisus@elu.ee
FINLANDFinnish Association of Speech and Language TherapistsFASTtoimisto@puheterapeuttiliitto.fi
FRANCEFédération Nationale des OrthophonistesFNOcontact@fno.fr
GERMANYLOGO DeutschlandLDesla@logo-deutschland.de
GREECEPanhellenic Association of Speech and Language Therapists PALinfo@logopedists.gr
HUNGARYMagyar Logopédusok Szakmai Szövetsége Egyesület MLSZSinfo@mlszsz.hu
ICELAND The Icelandic Association for Speech and Language Therapists
IRELANDIrish Association of Speech and Language TherapistsIASLTinfo@iaslt.ie
ITALYFederazione Logopedisti ItalianiFLIpresidenza@fli.it
LATVIALatvijas Logopēdu AsociācijaLLAlla@e-apollo.lv
LATVIALatvijas Audiologopēdu asociācijahttps://audiologopedi.lv/info@audiologopedi.lv
LITHUANIALithuanian Logopedists' Association LLApirmininkas@logopeduasociacija.lt
LUXEMBOURGAssociation Luxembourgeoise des Orthophonistes ALOinfo@alo.lu
MALTAAssociation of Speech-Language PathologistsASLPinfo@aslpmalta.org
NORWAYNorsk Logopedlag NLLnll.norsklogopedlag@gmail.com
PORTUGALAssociacao Portuguesa de Terapeutas da FalaAPTFgeral@aptf.org
ROMANIAAsociatia Specialistilor in Terapia Tulburarilor de Limbaj din RomaniaASTTLRasttlrromania@gmail.com
SERBIASerbian Logopedics Associationinfo@sla.org.rs
SLOVAKIASlovenská Asociácia LogopédovSALinfo@sal.sk
SLOVENIADruštvo logopedov SlovenijeSAL/DlogSinfo@dlogs.si
SWITZERLAND ARLDAssociation Romande des Logopedistes Diplomes ARLDsecretariat@arld.ch
TURKEYDil ve Konusma Terspistleri DernegiDKTDinfo@dktd.org
Observer members:
ARMENIA Armenian Speech & Language Therapists/Pathologists ASTA
POLANDPolskie Towarzystwo LogopedycznePTLptl@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl
THE NETHERLANDSNederlandse Vereniging voor Logopedie en FoniatrieNVLFlogopedie@nvlf.nl
Associate members:
KOSOVO Zë - Qendra Logopedike për Trajtim dhe Hulumtim info@ngo-ze.org
UKRAINEUkrainian Society for Speech and Language TherapyUS SLTinfo.uttmm@gmail.com

There are three options for membership in ESLA

There are three options for membership in ESLA. 


Eligible for full membership are: 

  • associations that exclusively represent SLTs
  • subsections of associations and federations, on the condition that the subsection exclusively represents SLTs and can function independently from the association and/or federation it is part of.

Further, applying associations must: 

  • meet ESLA’s minimum standards for education
  • comply to ESLA’s ethical framework
  • share the values of ESLA
  • be registered in a country geographically placed in Europe
  • be accepted through a majority vote by ESLA member associations 



SLT associations that do not meet the requirements for full membership can apply for observer membership.


Associate membership is open to non-profit associations and institutions that have an interest in European speech and language therapy.

If you are interested in becoming an ESLA member or have questions regarding the application process, do not hesitate to reach out to esla@eslaeurope.eu for more information regarding the prerequisites and necessary application documents.